
Admissions for both Nursery and Reception, as well as in year transfers and appeals, are all handled by Bexley Council.  The Council's School Admissions Team can be contacted on 020 8303 7777.  If you would like to arrange a viewing of the school, please contact the school office on 01322 527981.

September 2025 Reception Intake:

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 are eligible to start Reception in September 2025.  

To apply for a Reception place for your child, you will need to visit  The application window is now open and will close on 15 January 2025.  Offers of places will be issued by Bexley Council on 16 April 2025.  

Further information on the application process and what to expect can be found on Bexley Council's website.  Bexley Council have also provided an online booklet for parents to read entitled Admission to Primary Schools 2025/26.

If you are interested in your child attending Old Bexley, we are holding a series of Open Days for prospective Reception parents.  Places on each Open Day are limited and need to be booked in advance either by calling the school office on 01322 527981 or by emailing

  • Friday 4 October @ 10.15am
  • Monday 14 October @ 10am
  • Thursday 17 October @ 10am
  • Wednesday 6 November @ 10am
  • Friday 15 November @ 10.15am

Please note that if you intend to drive to the Open Day, there are parking restrictions outside the school from 10-11am.

We look forward to welcoming you.

September 2025 Nursery Intake:

Children born between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022 are eligible to start Nursery in September 2025. 

The application window for a Nursery place will open on 16 January 2025.  Please contact Bexley Council for further information.  


Useful Information:

In our Prospectus you will find information on:

  • the organisation of the school day
  • the school's admission arrangements
  • development of the whole child through the wider curriculum

The school's Admissions Policy provides further details on how places are allocated and our over-subscription criteria.  The governors and school will give priority to Reception applicants whose family can demonstrate commitment to the Anglican faith by regular Church attendance.  

If you are considering applying for a Nursery place, the Nursery fact sheet may also be helpful.



End of Year Data - July 2023

The statistics below cover the attainment of pupils who took the assessments in summer 2023.  School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.


Number in Cohort: 83
% achieving a good level of development:

Old Bexley: 76%

National: 67%




Year 1 Phonics:

Number in Cohort: 84
% passing phonics test:

Old Bexley: 77%

National: 81%




Key Stage 1:

Number in Cohort: 109
% achieving the expected standard or above


Maths r/w/m combined

Old Bexley: 80%

National: 69%

Old Bexley: 68%

National: 61%

Old Bexley: 85%

National: 72%

Old Bexley: 63%

National: 56%

% achieving greater depth









Maths r/w/m combined

Old Bexley: 27%

Old Bexley: 10% 

Old Bexley: 25%

Old Bexley: 7%





Key Stage 2:

Number in Cohort: 119
% achieving the expected standard or above


Maths GPS r/w/m combined

Old Bexley: 76%

National: 73%

Old Bexley: 76%

National: 71%

Old Bexley: 70%

National: 73%

Old Bexley: 74%

National: 71%

Old Bexley: 60%

National: 60%

% achieving greater depth









Maths GPS r/w/m combined

Old Bexley: 37%

Old Bexley: 18%

Old Bexley: 36%

Old Bexley: 37%

Old Bexley:16%





Average scaled score
Reading Maths GPS

Old Bexley: 106


Old Bexley: 105

National: 105

Old Bexley: 105

National: 104


Average Progress Score
Reading Writing Maths





You may also wish to look at the DfE school performance table website